Courtney Byers


CURRENT STATUS: Pre-CD Labor, Postpartum


SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor & Postpartum Doula Services


AREAS SERVED: Belfast, Maine


Phone:  207-205-2515


Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: Courtney Byers is a labor and postpartum doula as well as a placenta encapsulation specialist. She has been encapsulating placentas since 2013 and attending births as a doula since 2015. Her inspiration for entering the birth worker world came through the births of her own daughters and the continued journey of parenthood. Foundational to her work with birthing families is her spirit of calm, non-judgmental support and belief in the transformative nature of birth and postpartum journey.

What led you to become a Doula?: Giving birth to my daughters taught me how transformative the birth experience is in the life of a woman. Now I want to support women in having the birth experience that they want. I believe every woman should feel supported and safe during and after her birth experience.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

Clients have said that I have a very calm presence and am thorough in my work. Very helpful and encouraging.

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