ProDoula Builds Confidence?

Posted on: February 5, 2016 | Become a Doula, Doula Inspiration

I’ve invested a lot of time and money in learning to like myself.

Individual therapy.

Self help books.

Group therapy.

And hours and hours talking through my self esteem issues.

But do you want to know what catapulted me beyond being sort of okay with who I am into loving myself for real?


You read that right. A doula training organization, and its founders, Randy Patterson and Debbie Aglietti, fixed my self confidence issues.

Lest you think I was a total mess before ProDoula, let me tell assure you that I wasn’t. I’d been successful in many areas of my life. I had good people around me. I knew how to make decisions and follow through on them.


Before I made a decision, I had to talk to everyone about it to make sure it was the right one, and also to check whether they approved of what I was doing. When I finally made a choice, I spent at least a little bit of time second guessing myself, and worrying about whether I did the right thing.

It wasn’t a terrible way to live, but it wasn’t very free either.

And then I found ProDoula.

ProDoula taught me about the power of touch during labor and how to swaddle a baby. ProDoula taught me how to establish a sustainable business.

But the biggest lesson I’ve learned from ProDoula is that I am enough.

When I really allowed myself to hear this message, as it settled down into my bones, I felt completely liberated.




It’s a powerful thing to have someone believe in you.

Not an improved you.

Not a smarter, thinner, prettier, richer you.

Just you, exactly as you are in this moment.

I am now more confident than I have ever been in my entire life.

Randy Patterson told me that I was enough. That I was a leader in my community. And that she expected me to succeed.

And today, I am living out all of these truths.

Who am I? I am a strong, confident woman who makes decisions with ease and without self doubt. I adjust and adapt to change so much more quickly. And I live in the moment more often than not.

What do I bring to my clients that no one else can? Myself. My instincts, intuition, and life experience.

With the help of ProDoula, I am building a legacy.

I am pregnant with my second son, and am so excited to teach my boys what a strong, confident, successful woman looks like, just by living my life.

You too can grow into who you are meant to be. All it takes is a long look in the mirror and a deep acceptance of everything that has come before this moment. Now take a deep breath, and just be you.

“And if you want to be you, be you”–Cat Stevens, If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out

Authored by the amazing Elisabeth Lighty