Jaymie Kuhl


CURRENT STATUS: Pre-Certified Labor Doula


SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor, Postpartum & Infant Care Doula Services, Placenta Encapsulation Services and Childbirth Education Classes


AREAS SERVED: Orange County, CA and surrounding areas


Email: jaymie@resolutebirth.com

Phone: (714) 280-7578

Website: https://www.resolutebirth.com

Facebook page:

Professional Renewal Due: May 1st, 2025

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: For a decade, my hobby has been studying and learning about how nutrition and fitness affect the body as a whole. My passion for health began in 2013 when I started my fitness journey at CrossFit 714. Little did I know, spending one hour per day in a CrossFit gym meant immersing myself in a world of naturopaths, chiropractors, and people driven to be the healthiest versions of themselves. My physical and mental health drastically changed with these resources, a healthy diet and consistent exercise, which inspired me to dig deeper into the world of health and wellness. I have been competing in CrossFit since 2016 and have been working as a certified L-2 CrossFit trainer since 2018. When I became pregnant, I educated myself about prenatal fitness and nutrition to be able to continue doing what I love, which started me on the path that led me here today. Having firsthand experience facilitating two healthy pregnancies helped me be able to train pregnant athletes and educate them on prenatal nutrition.

What led you to become a Doula?: Despite my healthy pregnancies, my first birth was an unplanned, traumatic cesarean section. I attribute this experience to my lack of preparation and lack of support in labor and birth. For my second birth, I desired a far different experience and decided (after plenty of education and research) that a home birth with a midwife and doulas would be the best option for me and my family. I spent the majority of my second pregnancy healing from my first birth, improving my mindset, and studying labor and birth. My doulas played a key role in my successful HBAC, which inspired me to become that support system for other women. I have gained a wealth of knowledge through my transformational experience that I believe will help other women have positive, empowering birth experiences. The miracle of life should be nothing short of amazing! For several years, I have been going through the motions of what I thought I was supposed to do for a career: go to college, get an office job, etc. Immediately after my second birth, I started leaning into my intuition and embracing the path that God has set before me. I've also realized that I have no desire for a career that is anything less than magical. Queue birth work. :)

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

“Jaymie has the unique ability to be honest and upfront without being judgmental.”
“Jaymie is so motivational! She truly makes you believe you can do anything you set your mind to. Turns out all I needed to believe in myself is someone else believing in me as much as she does.”
“Jaymie’s calm, positive attitude and ability to listen makes me feel heard and secure.”
“She’s a great resource for all things health-related and very thorough in just about every aspect.”

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