Attend a ProDoula Labor Doula Training!

This 2 day, 20 hour hands-on, comprehensive workshop is the first step on your path to becoming a Certified Labor Doula. This workshop will prepare you with the practical skills necessary to provide labor support to clients and their families, the entry level business skills you’ll need to get started and the level of confidence it takes to make it all happen.

ProDoula trainers are pre-qualified by having been successful career doulas prior to training for a leadership position with the company. Your trainer will share their wisdom and experience in this captivating and comprehensive workshop. Be prepared to get inspired.

Supporting a family through pregnancy, birth and the Golden Hour is an experience unlike any other. For passionate doulas, it is an honor, an absolute privilege to walk side-by-side with expectant parents on their journey through birth. Instilling strength, and reducing fear for these families as they experience this major life transition is rewarding in ways that are simply beyond measure. ProDoula welcomes you to join the ranks of our professional and compassionate labor doulas by indulging yourself in this life changing training today!

"ProDoula is an approved provider of nursing professional development by the South Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation."

This training must be attended in its entirety in order to benefit from the 17 contact hours offered by the American Nurse Association.


Topics for this intensive training include:

Click on a title for detailed information

Communication for birth work

  • Understanding personality styles (DISC)
  • Writing your doula elevator speech
  • Interviewing with clients
  • Birth plans

Understanding the birth environment

  • Hospital Birth
  • Home Birth
  • Becoming part of the birth team
  • Utilizing the 5 senses in the birth setting

Labor and Birth

  • Hormones associated with labor
  • Cervical changes
  • Spontaneous labor, Prodromal labor, Precipitous labor
  • The physical and emotional impacts of labor and birth

The Stages of Labor – Anatomy and Support

  • First stage: Signs, symptoms and comfort measures for early, active and transitional labor
  • Second stage; positions and physical support for the pushing phase
  • Third stage; delivery of the placenta and placenta options
  • The impact of Friedman’s Curve

Physical support

  • Physical support
  • Emotional support
  • Educational support
  • Comfort measures and partner support
    • Basic and advanced labor positions – Breath support, Comfort measures of the mind, Counter pressure, “grounding” and basic massage, and so much more…
  • The intimacy of touch activity

Interventions and Medication

  • Bishop Score
  • Cesarean Section
  • Epidural
  • Positional difficulties
  • Episiotomy
  • Turning a breech baby
  • Benefits, Risks and Alternatives to birth interventions

Challenging Childbirth

  • When the birth plan falls short
  • The doulas role in an emergency

Immediate postpartum support and the newborn

  • Comfort
  • Family Bonding
  • Virginia Apgar (APGAR)
  • Breastfeeding
  • Newborn medications

The Client / Doula Connection

  • The Client / Doula Connection
  • What the client needs now
  • The client’s interpretation of the birth

Doula self – Care

  • Processing the birth
  • The life of a doula
  • The “on call” experience

Business Topics for getting started

This 20 hour training must be attended in its entirety. Cost for this 2 day intensive is $645 (US Dollars) plus an additional first year membership fee of $95 (US Dollars). Annual membership fee for each subsequent year is $75 (US Dollars).

ProDoula loves and appreciates our members and their children; however, ProDoula Trainings are a professional learning environment. Babies and children are not permitted in any of the educational sessions. You will need a childcare provider to care for your babies and children during the time periods you are engaged in this training.

Upcoming ProDoula Labor Doula Trainings

00/00/0000 | Labor Training -

Register now for a future training that has not yet been scheduled - the office will call to schedule one at a time that is convenient for you.

Future Training

Register Online

03/15/2025 | Labor Training - Salem, OR - Virtual - PST

Trainer: Jill McLean

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03/22/2025 | Labor Training - Charlotte, NC - Virtual - EST

Trainer: Haley Jasmin

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03/29/2025 | Labor Training - Detroit Area, MI - In-Person

Trainer: Celeste Kraft

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04/05/2025 | Labor Training - Cincinnati, OH - Virtual - EST

Trainer: Celeste Kraft

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04/25/2025 | Labor Training - Raleigh, NC - In-Person

Trainer: Crystal Lange

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04/25/2025 | Labor Training - Roswell, GA - In-Person

Trainer: Elysia Douglas

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04/26/2025 | Labor Training - San Diego, CA - Virtual - PST

Trainer: Tayna Chessman

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05/03/2025 | Labor Training - Philadelphia, PA - In-Person

Trainer: Mari Leckel

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05/03/2025 | Labor Training - New Orleans, LA - Virtual - CST

Trainer: Rainah Walker

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05/03/2025 | Labor Training - Birmingham, AL - In-Person

Trainer: Emily Peterson

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05/16/2025 | Labor Training - Woburn, MA - In-Person

Trainer: Rachel Echeveri

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05/16/2025 | Labor Training - San Diego, CA - In-Person

Trainer: Mari Leckel

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05/24/2025 | Labor Training - Boston, MA - In-Person

Trainer: Mari Leckel

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