Julie Schutt


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Postpartum & Infant Care Doula


SERVICES PROVIDED: Postpartum & Infant Care Doula Services


AREAS SERVED: Nashville, TN and West Wilson County, TN


Email: julie@snugbugdoula.com

Phone: (615) 268-5048

Website: https://snugbugdoula.com/

Professional Renewal Due: January 1st, 2025

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: My life turned upside down (in the best way possible) when I gave birth to my son, Hugo. I'd been climbing the corporate ladder for years and had to reevaluate what truly worked best for my family as a whole. So much of parenting is learning to pivot! I was shocked at how many little and big decisions had to be made each day, way more than I'd ever made working in an office. It was leveling up in a way I wasn't expecting. I can easily empathize with my clients who find the shift to parenthood one of the greatest challenges they've ever experienced.

What led you to become a Doula?: I'd followed many birth-related accounts on social media for years, read a ton of books, and listened to podcasts. When a few of my close friends had babies in the year after my son was born, I started to doula them without even realizing it! They were very grateful for the help, and I felt like my natural gifts were being used for a good reason. it became harder and harder to resist the pull of birth work, and my body ended up making the decision for me at the end of 2021. I jumped headfirst into my training at the start of 2021, and began working with clients just a few weeks later.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

“Calm, helpful, realistic, and becomes like a member of your own family.” “She has such a grounding energy when you’re caught up in new-parent exhaustion.” “A gentle and warm spirit guide on the most intense parenting journey. We are still constantly using the knowledge she’s shared with us, and have much more confidence in this season of life!”

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