Kelli Washington


CURRENT STATUS: Pre-CD Labor, Postpartum & Infant Care


SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor & Postpartum & Infant Care Doula Support


AREAS SERVED: Greater Houston Area, Pearland, Sugar-land, Katy, Woodlands


Phone:  (832) 521-8207



Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: Throughout my life I expanded on my interest in infants and pregnancy through personal research. I have years of professional child care experience in many areas including Sitter, Nanny, and Daycare positions. I finished my Bachelor's degree from THE Prairie View A&M University in Sociology and Biology. During my educational career I was surrounded by many young mothers that I naturally submitted, what I know now as Doula work to..With my personal and professional educational background and experience I do believe I have unknowingly prepared myself for this awesome profession.

What led you to become a Doula?: Well, it all started when I was a young girl that simply aspired to be a "baby doctor" so from a young age my interest in pregnancy and infants sparked. Throughout my life I dedicated much of my spare time learning about the wonders of pregnancy. From choosing my research topics on pregnancy related issues, to supporting my friends that fell pregnant, I was infatuated with the nature of pregnancy, birth, and beyond. I originally set out to be a neonatal nurse with the greater aspiration to become a Neonatologist, but soon I found that my heart wanted to dive deeper into the community and help mothers (especially women of color) with the rising mortality rates we suffer from so close to home. I felt there are enough doctors and nurses to go around for medical support but not enough of the main ingredient..emotional and physical support!! So when I stumbled across an article on Doula work and immediately knew that I was called be that person that would provide the educational, emotional and physical support women need during the most important journey of their lives.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

I have been told that I am supportive, I am the shoulder people can lean on, and the peace or comic relief in many situations.

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