Millie Guerrero


CURRENT STATUS: Pre-CD Labor, Postpartum

BUSINESS NAME/AFFILIATION: Graceful Journey Doula Services

SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor & Postpartum Doula Support


AREAS SERVED: All Villages in Guam


Phone:  (671) 487-3955



Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: I have four children. When pregnant with my first child I was so into my childbirth class that I took a refresher course for my second pregnancy. I found birth so intriguing that I asked the nurses at every one of my births to hold up my placenta. They said I should be a nurse. Fortunately, I had normal births and was able to breastfeed all my babies. I supported my sister-in-law through two of her labors while her husband was away on military orders. It was such a beautiful experience that I longed to experience it every chance I got. I supported several more births through the years. As a young mother, I was a paraprofessional Home Visitor. I worked one-on-one with new/young mothers and their newborn. I trained in early baby/child development, drug baby identification, child abuse intervention, mother-child bonding, etc. I had hoped to be home with my children, so I trained and certified to provide Early Childhood day care in my home (Early Childhood Home Day Care).

What led you to become a Doula?: I homeschooled my kids for twenty years, and now the Lord is leading me back to working with women and families. I hoped to do something I love, but knew I needed to compensate for my time. When I heard of “doula” as a profession I researched, and realized this could be it… And here I am!

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

“You are very caring and compassionate.” ”Personable”; “You are so thoughtful! “An encourager”; sincere; contemplative; intuitive

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