Molly Campbell


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Labor Doula and Certified VBAC Specialist


SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor Doula Services, VBAC Specialist Services, Infant Feeding Specialist Services and Childbirth Education Classes





Phone: (703) 819-5432


Facebook page:

Professional Certification Due: April 1st, 2024

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: I am a Hypnobabies childbirth instructor, a certified labor doula, and a certified VBAC specialist. I've been trained by both ProDoula and DONA. I also have training in lactation and I attended the "Comforting Touch for Doulas" course by Yiska Obadia ( I have a passion for educating clients on all of their options, and especially for educating birth partners on comfort techniques.

What led you to become a Doula?: I fell in love with all things birth during my first pregnancy, but I wasn't educated on all of my options and I unfortunately ended up with a traumatic birth. That led me to learn everything I could about pregnancy and birth over the next few years. When I began my second pregnancy, I attended a Hypnobabies childbirth course and I hired a doula. I knew what I wanted and what I didn't want. I had a very healing and empowering birth- I had never felt more confident in my own body as I felt right after achieving the birth I wanted. This is a very common story in the world of birth workers- Most of us have either had a traumatic birth and then a beautiful, healing birth; OR we have just had beautiful births and we want everyone to have the opportunity to recognize their own innate power and feel in control of their own experience. My hope is that the more doulas we have, the more of the second type we'll have. I look forward to a day when everyone who wants a doula can have access to one, and that we can have fewer and fewer traumatic births. I welcome my fellow doulas into the field and into my area because the more doulas there are, the more doulas are needed. There will never be too many doulas.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

“I appreciate you so much! (Husband) is a really quiet guy, but it means a lot that when you leave, he starts expressing to me how much more confident he feels. You do a really good job at making us feel more prepared and safe. Thanks!” -Heather, client

“Thank you so much for your support!! We really appreciate you!” -Maria, client

“Thank you so much! It means so much that you are so supportive of my decisions! We are so excited to have this sweet baby & we are so thankful to have people around us to help support us this time!” – Meghan, client

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