Patricia Mazza


CURRENT STATUS: Pre-Certified Labor Doula


SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor, Postpartum & Infant Care Doula Services, Infant Feeding Specialist Services and Childbirth Education Classes


AREAS SERVED: Southern Wisconsin, North Central Illinois



Phone: (608) 208-4698

Facebook page:

Professional Renewal Due: February 1st, 2023

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: Traditional doula to doula training and self study 2004-2006, DONA training 2006, student midwife (Current)

What led you to become a Doula?: After the disconnected impersonal care I received during my first pregnancy, I was left questioning everything about the birthing process as we know it. "This can't be how ALL births are?" I found groups, upon groups of women who had similar experiences to the care I received, sometimes far worse. At the time I had just turned 18, so finding a group of women to connect with was extremely hard to come by. I searched, "mommy and me classes near me" on google and found a little birth center which, to my surprise, was only one block away from my little apartment in California. I walked past it several times over the next few days, hesitant to go in due to fear of being judged and looked down on as the teen mom, as I had experienced so many times from moms at the grocery store or even at the park. This last day however was particularly hot, so hot that I needed to find an air conditioned place to breastfeed my daughter, I saw their sign "breastfeeding friendly" so I walked in. I will never forget the welcoming smiles of the doulas who offered me water and a comfy place to sit so I could nourish my little one. They talked to me for a bit and invited me to come back for a mommy and me play date. I knew when I came back for that play date that these women were my people. They believed in parenting in a gentle "natural" way. They were open and understanding to all of the mother's views. We talked about our birth experiences and how similar the process was between most of us until one of the moms said, "I'm so glad I had my baby here!" I was like, "Wait you don't have to have babies in hospitals?" And that's when my world changed. I was taught about doulas and midwives, homebirths and waterbirths, birth centers and even unassisted births. My mind was blown. I couldn't believe that I had been taught all along that birth was this horrible, painful, deadly and traumatizing experience that NO ONE would ever want to experience, when the reality is far different. There are groups of strong educated empowered women who will help guide you through your birth journey and create a safe memorable experience that you will cherish, these women are doulas. I was so intrigued I decided to start training as a birth doula with one of the doula/student midwives who worked at the birth center. A couple of years later I moved to Wisconsin to be near my mother and continue my training and start the process of becoming a midwife. As life would have it, I met my husband and we ended up having two more children one at home with a midwife in Milwaukee, and the other with a midwife in a beautiful birth center in Middleton. After a few years I decided to take a break to raise my own children even though I continued to educate myself in midwifery over the years. Now that my children are more independent, 8 years later, I am ready to jump back in and return to my calling.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

“About 13 years ago, when I had my son, I was lucky enough to have Trish be there with me for my pregnancy and delivery. I honestly can say that I wouldn’t have been able to get through it without her. She was extremely knowledgeable and patient with me because I had a lot of questions. She was able to help me when even some of the nurses weren’t able to. She helped to educate me on good techniques when it came to nursing, diapers, everything!! If I were to have more kids, I would want her there!!”

– Yvonne Komas

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