Randy’s Closing Words

Posted on: October 19, 2016 | Doula, Doula Inspiration

What are you conditioned to believe?

Today we end the Share The Vision 2016 ProDoula Conference year and we begin the Speak your truth 2017 conference year.

‘Speak Your Truth’ is about walking in your own truth. It is not about convincing others to share in your truth, but rather it is about confidently knowing yourself, what you believe in and what you stand for.

But for some, the lines surrounding what they believe in and what they stand for, are still a bit blurry.

Maybe they are still sorting those things out. We are all at different parts of our journey and watching the behaviors of others can be very inspiring. They may even lead us to the things we believe in ourselves and it may also lead to us knowing exactly what we don’t believe in for ourselves!

In order to sort out our own truth, we must first, we must take stock of our assets.

Look at the evidence.

  • We must praise ourselves for the good decisions we have made.
  • We must acknowledge the completion of tasks that are presented to us.
  • We must claim our victories regardless of their size.
  • We must take inventory of what we have to offer others and acknowledge the greatness of what we can offer.

Offer yourself kindness and praise

  • Think about your self talk
  • Would you speak to your children the way you speak to yourself?
  • Do the things you say about yourself or to yourself make you feel stronger or weaker? Happier or sadder? More confident or more insecure? More loved or more hated?
  • Forgive yourself when you make a mistake (and you will make mistakes!)
  • Think about what you need to hear and start telling it to yourself!

Be confident in your convictions

Walk your talk

Let nothing take you off your path

If you fall, get back up! Immediately!

And always Speak Your Truth!